The last two evenings I’ve kept myself busy scanning all my Sega Master System games! This mainly because I’ve only uploaded libraries of Nintendo and PC Engine games so far and thought it was Sega’s turn, and Sega Master System suits well now that Retro Gamer magazine has just had that system as their main headline in their latest issue ^^ And also since I know it would make theSegaDude happy ;D
I only have a few japanese Sega Master System games, maybe like 5 or so, the others are all PAL. So I just included the Japanese ones in the same collection list ^_^
So here’s a little collage where you can see all the games easily, and if you wanna read more info about each game then please visit the uploaded Sega Master System Library that always can be found in the left menu :D
Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System