Retrogathering pickups!
I bought so many games at Retrogahtering 2014 that it has taken some time to organize it all. It was a great place to shop for games though, they had a lot of great sellers, like Spel & Sånt whom I...
View ArticlePlaying Sega Master System with NinjaBrite!
Last time I had my bestie Becki (NinjaBrite) over we decided to make a youtube film! And she agreed on playing some retro video games with me! (We usually only play Xbox together) So I was thrilled and...
View ArticlePickups from SciFiWorld! Games & Star Wars crap :D
So here comes my pickups from yesterday’s Sci-Fi convention Sci-Fi World in Malmö :D I bought quite a few games for various systems, mainly Sega this time! But let’s start off with some odd stuff that...
View ArticleRetrospelsfestivalen 2015 – the loot!!!
This year’s retro gaming convention in Malmö (Retrospelsfestivalen) was awseome! I didn’t have much time to buy stuff though since me and my Geeky Gals spent most time hosting competitions and stuff on...
View ArticleStepping up my Sega game! Alien Soldier and more! :D
I’ve had a lot of focus on Japanese games and systems lately, mainly Famicom, Super Famicom and PC Engine. This means I haven’t bought as much for Sega Mega Drive or Master System, except for the...
View ArticleRetro Gathering VCE – The Loot!
It has taken some time to sort, clean and photograph all of the 138 games I bought at Retro Gathering Vintage Computer Edition last weekend, but finally, here they are! :D I will go through them system...
View ArticleThe Tetris Collection
I’ve amassed quite an extensive Tetris collection by now. I always buy a Tetris game if I don’t already have it, and man! There’s a lot of Tetris games out there! Tetris is such a fun game, you never...
View ArticleKorean Tetris games add upp to 100 different Tetris games! :D
I’ve reached 100 various Tetris games! :D I think I will celebrate with playing some more Tetris tonight!! ^__^ My two latest additions are not that common. One is Tetris on MSX from Korea, or Zemmix...
View Articlel00t from Retrospelsfestivalen 2017!
Even though I just spent a few hours at the retro game convention Retrospelsfestivalen this year, I still managed to pick up a couple of games for various systems ^_^ First of all, I’m super happy to...
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