Channel: Sega Master System – Retro Video Gaming

Sega Sunday #2 – 8bit Altered Beast


I love Altered Beast, I grew up playing it on the Sega Mega Drive. Once I started collecting video games I found out it was originally an arcade game and there were ports to several home consoles. Most people know about the Sega Mega Drive Altered Beast, but it was also released for the Sega Master System, the NEC PC Engine (both on HU-card and on CD-ROM) and finally I have also found a port of the Altered Beast (Jūōki) game for the Famicom! There’s probably  more that I don’t know about..
Altered Beast Famicom, back and front box

This Famicom version surprised me though since Sega and Nintendo were such big competitors and Altered Beast were one of Sega’s pearls. But it actually says copyright Sega really tiny in the bottom of the cartridge.
Jyuuouki (Altered Beast)

Here’s all the Altered Beast games I have and know about:
Altered Beast games

Tonight I’ve been playing the 8-bit versions on Famicom and Sega Master System to compare the two. The Famicom version has been totally re-done by Asmik, and compared to all the other ports of Altered Beast this one really stands out. It’s faster, the character isn’t as stiff as he is in the other Altered Beast games and the sprites have gotten a cute and more rounded makeover, compared to the masculine muscular macho-style of the original ^^ You also have 3 continues which makes the game a bit easier. Here’s a comparison of screenshots from the Famicom version and the Sega Master System version:
Altered Beast - start screen
Altered Beast - Stage 1
Altered Beast - werewolfAltered Beast - Stage 3 vs 2

What’s really interesting though is that in the Famicom version they’ve put in a whole new stage as a second stage, the regular stage that I’m used to where you transform into a dragon is the third stage of the Famicom version. In this stage you transform into a lion and the stage boss is a pig ^^ I think you will be able to transform into a shark in later stages as well (based on the box cover art)
Altered Beast Famicom stage 2
Altered BEast Famicom Stage 2 boss

On the Famicom version I managed to get to the stage where you transform into a bear, which in this version is stage 4. On the Master System version I didn’t even manage to get to the first boss before getting a game over >_< This version is if possible even stiffer than the Mega Drive one. I have beaten the Mega Drive Altered Beast a few years ago after I figured out you could change settings and increase your amount of health and lives, but this Master System version is really really hard and I haven’t found any way to get continues or an easier setting..
Altered Beast - Game Over
The game over text is much cuter in the Famicom version ^_^

I managed to record my efforts on Jūōki for the Famicom, but I was too lazy to bring out the DVD burner to record my failures in the Sega Master System version.. Anyway, here’s the video of my gameplay from Altered Beast on the Famicom, check it out since it’s got some pretty sweet 8-bit Altered Beast tunes! :D

Filed under: Famicom, Nintendo, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Sunday

More Bday gift games ^_^ Aleste, Rock N’ Bolt, Kid Icarus, Gun.Smoke etc


Here’s a few other games I got for my birthday ^_^

Some Famicom Disk System games, most were complete with manual as well, Kid Icarus, Gall Force, Gun.Smoke and Zanac :) I have a copy of Kid Icarus for the NES, however that one doesn’t always work so I’m really happy for this Disk System one :) I also already had Gun.Smoke for the NES, but it’s a great game and it’s always interesting to see if there are any differences between the disk and the cart version ^_^
Famicom Disk System games - Kid Icarus, Gall Force, Gun.Smoke, Zanac

Then there were two japanese Sega Master System games, Aleste and Rock N’ Bolt. I’m excited to try these out! Rock N’ Bolt I’ve never heard of before ^_^
Sega Master system games Rock N' Bolt and Aleste
Also Columns for japanese Sega Mega Drive:
Sega Mega Drive Columns

And a few Famicom games I didn’t previously have: The Blue Marlin, Musashi no Bouken, Jackie Chan, The Lord of King and Great Deal.
Famicom games - Blue Marling, Musashi, Jackie Chan, Lord of King, Great Deal

And last but not least a bunch of PC Engine games that I didn’t have :D I will upload these to the PC Engine library soon ^_^
PC Engine games

Filed under: CD-ROM, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Nintendo, PC Engine, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive

All my Sega Master System games scanned!


The last two evenings I’ve kept myself busy scanning all my Sega Master System games! This mainly because I’ve only uploaded libraries of Nintendo and PC Engine games so far and thought it was Sega’s turn, and Sega Master System suits well now that Retro Gamer magazine has just had that system as their main headline in their latest issue ^^ And also since I know it would make theSegaDude happy ;D

I only have a few japanese Sega Master System games, maybe like 5 or so, the others are all PAL. So I just included the Japanese ones in the same collection list ^_^

So here’s a little collage where you can see all the games easily, and if you wanna read more info about each game then please visit the uploaded Sega Master System Library that always can be found in the left menu :D

Action FighterAfter Burner Alex Kidd High-Tech World Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Alex Kidd The Lost Stars Altered Beast Arcade Smash Hits Assault City Asterix Astro Flash Astro Warrior - Pit Pot Aztec Adventure Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part III Bubble Bobble California Games II Captain Silver Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Champions of Europe Columns Cool Spot Cyber Hunter Daffy Duck in Hollywood Danan The Jungle Fighter Deep Duck Trouble starring Donald Duck  The Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck Double Dragon Dragon Crystal Dragon the Bruce Lee Story Dragon Wang Dynamite Dux Fantasy Zone The Maze FIre & Forget II Gangster Town Gauntlet Ghostbusters Ghost House Ghouls'n Ghosts Global Defense Global Gladiators Golden Axe Indy Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Laser Ghost Lord of the Sword Marksman Shooting - Trap Shooting - Safari Hunt Master of Darkness Mercs Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse My Hero Out Run Parlour Games Phantasy Star Poseidon Wars 3-D Power Strike Psychic World Psycho Fox Putt & Putter R-Type Rastan Road Rash Rock n bolt RoboCop 3 Running Battle Sagaia Satellite Secret Command Sega Chess Sega's World Tournament Golf Shanghai Shinobi Slap Shot Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Sonic The Hedgehog Chaos Space Gun SpellCaster Spider-Man Return of the Sinister Six Star Wars Strider II Super Monaco GP Super Space Invaders The Cyber Shinobi The Flash The Flintstones The Newzealand Story The Ninja The Simpsons Bart vs. the Space Mutants The Smurfs Thunder Blade Tom & Jerry The Movie Transbot Vigilante Wolfchild Wonder Boy Wonder Boy III The Dragon's Trap World Games Xenon 2 Y's The Vanished Omens Zillion Zillion II

Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System

Old Sega Mega Drive and Atari ads!


Today I went to a flea market where I sometimes go on Sundays. This place is mainly filled with antiques, porcelain, books and interior decorations.  I’ve never seen any games or electronics there, it’s more vintage stuff, but I like that too ^_^ However today I found something gaming related! I saw a stand filled with old comic books from the early 90′s, like the Phantom and Modesty Blaise (which in Swedish is Agent X9) and I thought of my friend Gabriella who likes Modesty ^_^ I picked one up and saw an old ad for Sega on the back!I thought this was so cool that I had to go through the backs of every magazine they had to see if there were more! And there was!!! I ended up buying 10 magazines with gaming ads on the back and I thought I would share them here. Even if they are in Swedish I hope you all can enjoy it, I will translate the ridiculous slogans they had ;D

First of all here are the magazines I bought, Modesty Blaise sure does look cool ^_^

Agent X9 nr 7 -92   Agent X9 nr 7 -91   Agent X9 nr 11 -93   Agent X9 nr 6 -93   Agent X9 nr 11 -92   Agent X9 nr 13 -92   Agent X9 nr 9 -90   Agent X9 nr 5 -92   Agent X9 nr 13 -90   Agent X9 nr 8 -93

Sonic says: I hate all environmental criminals!

“I hate all environmental criminals!” Sonic promoting Global gladiators..

"He is almost as cool as I am"

“He is almost as cool as I am” Sonic promoting Cool Spot

"Cooooooool summer games"... they almost got it right, if they would have removed the Tournament Golf >_<

“Cooooooool summer games”... they almost got it right, I don’t care much for the Tournament Golf >_<

"Flipper, the ocean is not big enough for both of you".. yeah... cause Flipper the dolphin was a big thing back then too ^^

“Flipper, the ocean is not big enough for the both of you”.. yeah, I get it… cause Flipper the dolphin was a big thing back then too ^^

"LYNX - a new portable computer-game in color!" and in the key selling points they are listing: pause button, power adaptor and built in joypad.. isn't that kind of ... obvious things??

“LYNX – a new portable computer-game in color!” and in the key selling points they are listing: pause button, power adaptor and built in joypad.. isn’t that kind of … obvious things??

"No other 16-bit video game has as many... 80 strong games." 4 new games per month! wow.. that's a bit less.. than today ;D

“No other 16-bit video game has as many… 80 strong games.” 4 new games per month! wow.. that’s a bit less.. than today ;D

"The worlds fastest video game characters is returning in a neck-breaking game for Mega Drive - SONIC 2!" I really hope the kids didn't actually break their necks...

“The worlds fastest video game character is returning in a neck-breaking game for Mega Drive  -  SONIC 2!!”            I really hope the kids didn’t actually break their necks though…

"Now there's over 100 16-bit games for the Mega Drive! No other system has more!"

“Now there’s over 100 16-bit games for the Mega Drive! No other system has more!”

"This is where the adventure starts"

“This is where the adventure starts”

Filed under: Atari, Lynx, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive

Sweet Sega Stuff from the Segadude!!


Last week I received an amazingly kind gift from the Segadude! He sent me a few of his doubles that I didn’t previously have for the Sega Master System! They were all so pretty!! ^_^
segadude gift sega master system games

The games were Missile Defense 3-D, Teddy Boy, Blade Eagle 3-D, Quartet, Golvellius,
Zaxxon 3-D and Wanted!
sega master system games gift

I was also thrilled to find that they all worked on my PAL Master System even though they came all the way from Canada ^_^ I’m not sure if this means that Canada has PAL region too or if the Master System just doesn’t have a region lock for NTSC… still I’m thrilled!! :D
Here’s some screenshots I took with my iPhone while trying them all out ^_^
Blade Eagle Sega Master System
Zaxxon 3-D Sega Master System
Missile Defense 3-D Sega Master System
Missile Defense 3-D
Missile Defense 3D

Both Blade Eagle, Zaxxon and Missile Defense were 3-D games, before I had none now I have three! :D Now I just need to get myself a pair of Sega 3-D glasses so I can see what’s actually going on!! ;D

Golvellius Sega Master System
Golvellius boots!
Yay boots!!! ^___^ Thanks!
golvellius snake

Golvellius seemed like a fun game ^_^ I will give it a longer try ones I have a bit more time :)

Quartet Sega Master System
Tedddy  Boy Sega Master System

Both Quartet and Teddy Boy were fun platformers ^_^

Wanted Sega Master System

And last but not least Wanted, this game would probably have been much easier if I had plugged in the Lightphaser… heh ^_^

A big thanks to the SegaDude for these great games! If you haven’t checked out his site you totally should!! ^_^ What are you waiting for?? GO CHECK IT OUT >>>

Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System

Super trading with the SegaDude! :D


Once again I’ve made a trade with Eric The SegaDude and this time we shipped A LOT of games across the atlantic ^___^

I found some games here in Sweden that Eric had laid eyes on, so I grabbed them for him to trade with some doubles he had that I didn’t have in my collection :) This is what I got:

Rampage titlescreenRampage screenshot

Rampage is a classic game, I had it for a few other systems, but not for Sega Master System ^_^ The cover artwork is really cool and the box was in great condition, unfortunately lacking a manual, but I don’t really care about that :) This game is fun and you can play two players just wrecking buildings together :D

Dead Angle_1K
Dead Angle titlescreenDead Angle screenshot

Dead Angle was complete and in great condition ^_^ This game makes use of the Sega Master System’s lightphaser. I have a lot of games for the Master System now that requires the lightphaser, I get the feeling that Sega was better at making use of their accessory than Nintendo, however Duck Hunt was a total hit ;D

The Ninja_1K
The Ninja titlescreenThe Ninja screenshot

I already had The Ninja, but mine was in really awful condition, the box was basically falling apart :/ So this was a nice upgrade :D The Ninja is just that, you play as a Ninja throwing ninja stars at enemies trying not to get killed by other ninjas ;D

Speedball titlescreenSpeedball screenshot

Speedball is a kind of sports game, much like soccer, but futuristic. It kind of sucks ;D haha! The controls are unresponsive and I couldn’t quite figure out how to pass or how to shoot or tackle.. >-< I don’t like sports in general though, but still it’s complete and in great condition so a nice addition to the collection ^__^

Space Harrier_1K
Space Harrier titlescreenSpace Harrier screenshot

I enjoy Space Harrier, and I have it for several different systems. I didn’t have it for the Sega Master System though so I couldn’t pass this one up ^_^ Even though it’s lacking the manual, it’s in excellent condition :)

Miracle Warriors_1K
Miracle Warrios title screenMiracle Warriors Screenshot

I’m not really into RPG’s, but since I didn’t have it it can still join my collection, I bet I have a friend or two who would enjoy it ;D Noticeable is that the music is not nearly as good as it is on the japanese version that I recently got for Eric :) And it’s still completely different than the Famicom version :) It was also complete and even had a huge map! (not pictured..) ^__^

Dynamite Dux_1K
Dynamite Dux title screenDynamite Dux screenshot

I had Dynamite Dux before, but that one was completely littered with a German child’s drawings and stickers.. >_< so I’m happy to have a clean version of the cover ;D Unfortunately it was without manual so I had to complete it with the other manual filled with doodles ;D lol

Carmen Sandiego_1K
Carmen Sandiego title screenCarmen Sandiego screenshot

This is also not really my type of game, not enough action and too much reading ;D But I’m happy to have it in my collection ^^

Cloud Master_1K
Cloud Master title screenCloud Master screenshot

Cloud Master was a bunch of fun! ^_^ It was also complete and in great condition :D It’s a cute shooter with a boy on a cloud :D I have the Famicom version as well, it’s called Chuuka taisen :)

Apart from all these Sega Master System games I also got a few japanese Sega Mega Drive games :D

Maou Renjishi_1K
Maou Renjishi titlescreenMaou Renjishi screenshot

Maou Renjishi (or Mystical Ninja) is a really cool beat ‘em up in japanese style! I hadn’t tried it before and I was stuck playing through the first 4 bosses until I died ^_^ I enjoyed it a lot :D

Ghostbuster title screenGhostbusters screenshot

I also didn’t have Ghostbusters for the Mega Drive before, this is a really cute platformer, but i got stuck on the first stage. I couldn’t get past a room with a ghost head that shot fireballs at me >_<

Garou Densetsu
Garou densetsu screenGarou Densetsu sceenshot

I also got this one :D Garou Densetsu is a fighting game, I don’t know much about fighting games since I don’t play them that often, but it looks decent ^_^

sonic spinball_1K

Eric also threw in a loose NTSC Sega Genesis cart of Sonic Spinball so that I could try whether I would be able to play NTSC games on any of my systems!

Unfortunately…. This is what it said when I started it up on my PAL Sega Mega Drive.. and when I started it in my japanese Sega Mega Drive the system just wouldn’t power on :( But at least we know for sure now!

A pleasure as always doing trades with The SegaDude! :D Thank you Eric! ^_^ And let me know if you want the Sonic Spinball cartridge back ^^

(make sure to check out his awesome Sega Collection!!)

Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive

Retrogathering pickups!


I bought so many games at Retrogahtering 2014 that it has taken some time to organize it all. It was a great place to shop for games though, they had a lot of great sellers, like Spel & Sånt whom I bought loads of stuff from ;D

The most expensive game I bought was Separation Anxiety (PAL) for the SNES. It’s the sequel to Maximum Carnage. The day after my friends over at Gaminggrannar showed me a cool little shop called Ploppsi in Örebro, here I also found this action figure of Venom which I basically got for free after buying some games there as well ;D It made for a great photo opportunity ^__^
Separation Anxiety_4
Separation Anxiety_5
Separation Anxiety_1

Here are some other SNES games I picked up. The Lost Vikings, Robocop 3, Lost Dimension, Judge Dredd, Push-Over, Rival Turf! and Space MegaForce. When I tried Space Megaforce out I realised I already had it for the Super Famicom, it’s Super Aleste…
SNES games

I also got some really nice Sega Mega Drive games, like Ristar and Contra Hard corps for the Japanese Mega Drive, and also Captain America and the Avengers, Galaxy Force II, Robocop vs Terminator, California Games, Sword of Vermillion, Alien 3 and a bunch of NHL and sports games that I didn’t previously own. 
Sega Mega Drive Ristar and Contra Hard Corps
Sega Mega Drive games Captain America and Galaxy Force II
Sega Mega Drive Games Robocop vs Terminator and California games
Sega Mega Drive Games NHL etc

I found a weird game that Borka at Spel&Sånt persuaded me to get. It’s called Caution Seaman and it’s for the Sega Dreamcast. Apparently you have some sort of seaman in an aquarium which you speak to through a microphone that comes with the game. It just sounded so weird that I had to get it! :D
Sega Dreamcast Caution Seaman

The Swedish GAME store was also represented at Retrogathering and I got some complete Sega Game Gear games from there :) Halley Wars, Aerial Assault and Super Space Invaders!
Sega Game Gear games

I also got a bunch of Sega Master System from Super Motaro at Retrogathering. These included Kung Fu Kid, Rambo III, Great Golf, Fantazy Zone II, Rocky, Crash Dummies, California Games, Basketball Nightmare, The Lucky Dime Caper, Wimbledon and Wimbledon II. I also found Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker the day after at Ploppsi ^_^
Sega Master System games
Sega Master System - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

I found something that I wasn’t expecting as well! When I started collecting a bit over 10 years ago I fell in love with the Nintendo Virtual Boy and bought every game I came across for it. After a while I had most of them, I was only lacking Water World out of the US releases, and I found it this weekend! :D I also got Warioland and Mario Clash for the Japanese Virtual Boy, I only had these in US releases previously, and I found a complete copy of Nester’s Funky Bowling (I previously only had the loose cartridge). This got me so excited that I went on eBay when I got home and found something else ;D I’ll let you know what once it arrives in the mail! :D After that I am only lacking two of the Japanese releases to have a complete Virtual Boy Collection! :D
Virtual Boy Games 2
Virtual Boy Games 1

I also got about 20 Atari 2600 games, a multi-game tap for the Atari 2600, 12 games for the Commodore 64 some pirate NES and Famicom carts, 3 complete N64 games and a bunch of other stuff ^_^ Now I’m gonna prepare my next entry about Retrospelsfestivalen which was this last weekend!

Filed under: Game Gear, Nintendo, Sega, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, SNES / SFC, Virtual Boy

Playing Sega Master System with NinjaBrite!


Last time I had my bestie Becki (NinjaBrite) over we decided to make a youtube film! And she agreed on playing some retro video games with me! (We usually only play Xbox together) So I was thrilled and pulled out the worst games I could think of ;D No but I actually hadn’t really tried these games out, and it said it was multiplayer so we just went for it ^_^ And we ended up having a LOT of fun! Even with the most boring of games ;D

Check out the video here! :D

Dragon the Bruce Lee StoryThe first game we played was Dragon the Bruce Lee Story. This was a co-op beat’em up kind of game. The controls were kind of stiff, and the stages were kind of boring and didn’t change much (then again we didn’t make it very far ;D), and worst of all, the game had no music past the intro!! I guess they ran out of space on the cartridge >_< sucky…





Sega's World Tournament Golf

Then we went on to play Sega World Tournament Golf which was extremely entertaining!! Probably mostly because it sucked haha, but we had fun and went all in ;D Unfortunately also a game that lacked music.. and it gets extremely repetitive.. and green…






Super Monaco GP

Lastly we ended up playing Super Monaco GP (which we both love for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, but the Master System version was something completely different!!) Also no music, and extremely annoying sound effects and the shittiest controls I’ve ever experienced!! >_<

Not recommended!





Hope you enjoy the video, and if anyone has suggestions of what you would like to see us play next time then let me know in the comments ^_^  Also if you have instagram check out our account @Geeky_Gals for random geekery ^_^

Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System

Pickups from SciFiWorld! Games & Star Wars crap :D


So here comes my pickups from yesterday’s Sci-Fi convention Sci-Fi World in Malmö :D I bought quite a few games for various systems, mainly Sega this time! But let’s start off with some odd stuff that I just felt compelled to get!! Like these Star Wars Bend-Ems figures from 1993 with bonus trading cards! The poses of these figures are ridiculous! :D Look at that Stormtrooper!! ^___^

Star Wars Chewbacca & Stormtrooper Star Wars Darth Vader & Yoda Star Wars Luke & Obi-Wan

Then there’s this awesome Samus Aran fuse bead lamp made by Pappas Pärlor ^_^  It looks great in my game room! I also got a pair of Game Boy earrings from him! Thank’s Johan! :D

Samus lamp 2 Game Boy earrings

This figure of Sepiroth was not possible to pass out on! So cheap, and so cool ^___^


I also got some stuff from Webhallen :) Mario, yoshi and toad PEZ dispensers, a Mega Man energy drink and a mushroom ^_^

Mario stuff

After this it was all games! :D Let’s start of with Sega! I got four Sega Master System games, Monopoly, Golfmania, Prince of Persia and G-Loc. Prince of Persia had such an awesome cover! He looks like a scared Luke Skywalker! :D

Then I also got G-Loc for the Sega Mega Drive, and Super Hang On, Normy’s Beach Babe-O-Rama and Mario Lemieux Hockey. Probably not the best games, but I didn’t previously have them, and my fiance only plays hockey for the Sega systems ;D And I got Strider II which I hope is as awesome as the first one! ^_^

I also got a Sega Mega CD game that had two games in one, on one side there’s Cobra Command and on the other side there’s Sol-Feace.

Sega Master System - Monopoly & Golfmania Sega Master System - Prince of Persia & G-Loc Sega Mega Drive - Strider II Sega Mega Drive G-Loc & Super Hang-On Sega Mega Drive Normy's Beach Babe-o-rama & Mario Lemieux Hockey Sega Mega CD Cobra Command Sega Mega CD Sol-Feace

Let’s move over to Nintendo. Here I got three NES games, R.C. Pro Am (which I was sure I had before, but I couldn’t find it in my list, so I guess I was wrong..), Mad Max (probably extremely shitty since games based on movies usually are ;D) and Defender of the Crown.

I also got three SNES games, first up was Kirby’s Ghost Trap. This one is interesting since I had never heard of it before, but in the morning before the convention I was at my friend’s house and she had it, I got curious since it looked just like puyo puyo so I needed it, then I looked it up on eBay and considered buying it, but didn’t. Then when I came to the convention I saw it again! So I bargained with the guy and got it! I’m super excited to try it out now! :D Then I also got Q-Bert 3 and Dragon’s Lair, I’m wondering whether it’s as hard as the NES version ;D

I found some cheap Super Famicom games as well, but they’re hardly worth mentioning ;D Soccer, Baseball and racing Z_Z boring..

NES RC Pro am NES Mad Max NES Defender of the CrownSNES Kirby's Ghost TrapSNES Q-Bert 3SNES Dragon's lairSFC games Super Leage Soccer & Pro Yakyu 3  SFC games Zero & F1 Grand Prix

That’s everything I got at the convention! I also popped by the GAME store afterwards, and got some more stuff ;D But I’ll make another post of that later ^_^

Filed under: NES, Nintendo, Retro Gaming, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega CD, Sega Mega Drive, SNES / SFC, Super Famicom

Retrospelsfestivalen 2015 – the loot!!!


This year’s retro gaming convention in Malmö (Retrospelsfestivalen) was awseome! I didn’t have much time to buy stuff though since me and my Geeky Gals spent most time hosting competitions and stuff on stage. It was a lot of fun though ^_^ And we got to meet so many cool people :D I did however get half an hour off at the end of the day where I did some speed-shopping for retro games! haha :D

So here’s what I found ^_^ Not bad for 30 minutes huh? ;D

Retrospelsfestivalen 2015 loot

I’m thrilled to have found a Neo Geo game I didn’t already have! Less thrilled to find out that it’s a fighting game (like every other game on that system >_<) instead of a platform game, like the previous Karnov games on NES for example.. but I got a fair price so I’m happy :) I have a lot of friends who enjoy fighting games, so I’ll pop it in my new cab ;D (I’ll tell you more about that in a later post..)

Karnov's Revenge - Neo Geo MVS

I was also happy to stumble upon some PC Engine games, they’re quite unheard of here in Sweden. But Japon carried a few titles ^_^ I got Gokurake Chuka Taisen on HU card :) I love the other games in this series so I hope this one will be as good, if not better ;D

Gokuraku Chuka Taisen - PC Engine

Apparently Rock n’ Roll Racing for SNES is supposed to be rad, haven’t tried it yet, but I’m looking forward to it ^_^ It’s NTSC, but now I have an NTSC SNES so I feel comfortable buying this region as well :)

Rock n' Roll Racing - Super Nintendo

I found these C64 carts that I jus thad to have, since they had such amazing artwork haha ^_^ I love how the guy on the cover of Saboteur is both jumping, kicking and shooting a gun at the same time, with such precision! hahaha :D

Hysteria & Saboteur! - C64

I also got some games for the Nokia N-Gage, a few weeks ago I bought two N-Gage systems so now I also have games for them ;D It’s Sonic and Crash Bandicoot, so hopefully they haven’t screwed that up..

Sonic N - Nokia N-Gage Crash Nitrokart - Nokia N-Gage Nokia N-Gage

From MXS I bought two handheld Game & Watch clones, one was called Hungry Elephant and the other one Sky Invaders. Unfortunately Sky Invaders didn’t have a hatch over the battery slot, and it didn’t seem to work when I held batteries in there :/ But I got them really cheap so I’m happy one of them worked :) I also bought a Tetris Jr. from Pixel, so cute! ^_^

Hungry Elephant handheld game Sky Invaders handheld game Tetris Jr keychain game

I also found a Famicom pirate called Mechanized Attack II, I liked the cover and was curious of what was on it :) And I found a Game Boy game from Japanspel, I mainly bought this one for the ridiculous cover XD It’s called Tasmania Monogatari. Apart from this I found a cheap Sega Master System game I didn’t previously have.

Mechanized Attack II - Famicom Pirate Tasmania Monogatari - Game Boy Tennis Ace - Sega Master System

I got some gifts from friends, like the Famicom matchbox from Pappas Pärlor and the mushroom and Sonic pin från Pixel K.A.F.E :) Thank you!! And I bought an amazing album that I have been listening to all week on Soundcloud from Professor Sakamoto! :D He performed at the festival and also at the after party ^_^ So talented and an amazing composer of chiptunes! At the bottom here I’ve embedded a few videos I filmed from his performances :) Go check him out!

Professor Sakamoto - Solar Soldier

Apart from all this my friend David showed up with all the ZX Spectrum games and other stuff I had bought from him earlier :) So I came home with 42 new Speccy games! (which I’m pretty sure is more than I paid for ;D) Thanks David! Apart from the Spectrum games I had bought a perfect case for storing Atari 2600 cartridges, or Famicom games :D But preferrably Atari 2600.. and a Neo Geo MVS game, Super Sidekicks 2. It’s football >_< but it was cheap :)

Hunchback II, Devils of the Deep, Wally Kong, Don't Buy This - ZX Spectrum 48k Tapper, Wanted Gunfright, Mikie - ZX Spectrum games Atari 2600 cassette case ZX Spectrum games Super Sidekicks 2 - Neo Geo MVS

This year at Retrospelsfestivalen I also had a table where I sold off some doubles, I’m happy with how my table turned out ^_^ First time ever selling games!! It’s hard since I’m a hoarder by nature ;D hahaha! I set up a PC Engine with Coryoon so people could try out this awesome game ^_^ Unfortunately I didn’t sell too many of the japanese games, a lot of people don’t have the consoles for it here. Most people are into PAL NES and SNES.. :/ Also my fiancé was taking care of the table all day, and he is completely clueless when it comes to games! LOL!  I appreciate his support though, and people told me he was friendly ^_^

Coryoon for PC Engine My table at Retrospelsfestivalen 2015 Mike the Beyoncée ;D

Here’s the videos from Professor Sakamoto’s performance at Retrospelsfestivalen 2015! Check them out! So much awesome!! :D



Filed under: C64, Commodore, Famicom, Game Boy, Neo Geo, Nintendo, PC Engine, Pirates, Retro Gaming, Sega, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo, Video

Stepping up my Sega game! Alien Soldier and more! :D


I’ve had a lot of focus on Japanese games and systems lately, mainly Famicom, Super Famicom and PC Engine. This means I haven’t bought as much for Sega Mega Drive or Master System, except for the occasional Japanese Mega Drive title, but not to long ago my friend likilato started selling some retro games, and not just any retro games, basically some of the more sought after expensive titles out there that you don’t see every day! And I of course couldn’t refuse buying everything I didn’t already have more or less >_< So here goes, this is what I picked up for the Sega Mega Drive and the Sega Master System:

Alien Soldier - Sega Mega Drive The Adventures of Batman & Robin - Sega Mega Drive SeaQuest DSV- Sega Mega Drive Wonder Boy in Monster World - Sega Mega Drive Darius II - Sega Mega Drive Mega Turrican - Sega Mega Drive Wolverine Adamantium Rage - Sega Mega Drive Addams Family Values - Sega Mega Drive Justice League Task Force - Sega Mega Drive Master of Weapon - Sega Mega Drive Steel Empire - Sega Mega Drive Task Force Harrier EX - Sega Mega Drive Aero the Acro-bat - Sega Mega Drive Aero the Acro-bat 2 - Sega Mega Drive Slap Fight - Sega Mega Drive

Let’s start with all the Sega Mega Drive games that I’ve tried out:

Alien Soldier – this is a sidescrolling action platform game which is brilliant! I started by checking the options, and you had two choices, Super Easy or Super Hard! Hahaha! Both settings are quite difficult though..  The controls are super fluent, and I’m definitely gonna spend some more time with this game to see how far I can get :)

The Adventures of Batman & Robin – This game didn’t work at first, I had to buy one of those screwdrivers for Sega cartridges and once I opened it up and cleaned it some more I finally got it working properly :D It looks amazing, the music is cool and the gameplay is fun, until it gets repetitive.. The stages are really long and you’re just sidescrolling through the same scenery over and over again with the same enemies in slightly different numbers from various directions.. It’s still fun for a while though, but it’s gonna take patience and time to beat..

Slap Fight – This was one of the more expensive titles, and it’s from Japan. It looks like a pumped up version of Xevious o_O It’s a vertical shmup, catchy soundtrack, powerups and stuff you’d expect from a 16-bit shmup. Don’t know why it’s so expensive though, maybe because it’s rare?

Wonder Boy in Monster World – This Monster Boy game is extremely inferior to other titles in the series, boring and sooo slooooow… o_O Of course the graphics are cute and colorful, but that doesn’t matter if the gameplay is boring.. IMO

Darius II – A fun horizontal shmup with loads of power ups and you get to pick which way you want to go through the stages, I think it makes it less repetitive when you can have different outcomes each time you advance if you pick different routes :) This is also a Japanese release.

Mega Turrican – When I first encountered the Turrican games it was Super Turrican on the NES, and this game blew my mind! Then I bought the Turrican game for Mega Drive which sucked in comparison :( This one however was definitely better, much nicer graphics, faster movement, smoother controls, better music, but the 8-bit Super Turrican game is still my favorite ;)

Wolverine Adamantium Rage – This is a sidescrolling action game that looked stunning at first sight, the graphics are really rad, but the controls are so stiff it’s just a pain in the ass to steer wolverine around >_>

Addams Family Values – In this game you play as Fester and it’s a top down adventure game. Not my type of game and I got stuck pretty early on in the game :/

Justice League Task Force – This is a fighting game with all the Justice League characters. I played a bit of the campaign, I played as Batman ^_^ It was fun for a while, but I’m not that into fighting games either, so I can’t really tell if it’s a good one or not. The graphics were ok though :)

Master of Weapon – Another Japanese vertical shmup, fast paced and pretty cool :) It’s got a field of depth and you can drop bombs on stuff below.

Steel Empire – This is a sidescrolling horizontal shmup from Japan, the setting feels a bit steampunk :) The soundtrack is good and the controls are nice. You can shoot both in front of you or behind you. A well made game ^_^

Task Force Harrier EX – Also a vertical shmup from Japan, detailed graphics and futuristic setting. It’s very very grey in the beginning, but gets more colours later on.

Aero the Acrobat 1 & 2 – These two are sidescrolling platform games. Cute graphics and you’re an acrobatic bat.. I thought they were pretty mediocre compared to all the awesome platform games out there with cooler characters.. Like Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, Marsipulami, Earthworm Jim, Ristar, Sonic, James Pond, Battletoads, Mr. Nutz, Rocket Knight, Toki just to name a few!! ;D

SeaQuest DSV – This game was awful! Haha ^_^ You play as some sort of futuristic submarine that’s supposed to take out other ships under the sea, and the controls are just awful…

Alf - Sega Master System Asterix & The Great Rescue - Sega Master System Power Strike II - Sega Master System James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing - Sega Master System Streets of Rage II - Sega Master System T2 Terminator 2 Judgement Day - Sega Master System Wonderboy in Monster Land - Sega Master System Out Run 3-D - Sega Master System Home Alone - Sega Master System Cheese Cat-Astrophe - Sega Master System Championship Hockey - Sega Master System Buggy Run - Sega Master System

Alf – I’ve been searching for this game for quite some time, mainly because of the cool cover, and because I used to love the show when I was younger :) Playing the game wasn’t as fun as I had expected though :/

Asterix & The Great Rescue – This was a fun sidescrolling platformer, much like the other Asterix games, felt a bit more polished than the first Asterix game on Master System though :)

Power Strike II – Vertical shmup with really awesome soundtrack and a cool back story ^_^ You can select various weapons at the start which is quite unusual for 8-bit shmups. It’s fast paced, colourful and has nice graphics!

James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing – It’s a boxing game.. I bought it because I didn’t have it, and apparently it’s rarely seen for the Master System.. Quite detailed for an 8-bit boxing game, but I didn’t play it for long.

Streets of Rage II – A lesser version of the Streets of Rage II for Sega Mega Drive. This series really does shine in 16-bit, not as much in 8-bits unfortunately :/ Still a decent game though.

T2 Terminator 2 Judgement Day – A sidescrolling action game. I think you’re supposed to be the Terminator, but you don’t really look like him. I think AVGN made a review of this game a while back, together with all the other Terminator games. Decent, but repetitive.

Wonder Boy in Monster World – This Wonder Boy title however is much more fast paced than the Mega Drive game I bought, and more of a challenge. It’s a really fun platforming adventure game :)

Out Run 3-D – This is the second 3D game I got for the Master System, this forced me to invest in a pair of those Sega Master System 3D glasses because trying to play the game without them makes you think you’re having an epileptic attack or that the game is suffering from Parkinsons >_<

Home Alone – I couldn’t make it past the first screen XD It’s some sort of re-enactment of the movie, but I didn’t know what to do or where to go.. sucky!!

Cheese Cat-Astrophe – This game kept me entertained for a while, it’s a sidescrolling platform game starring the Looney Toons character Speedy Gonzales. He’s definitely speedy, not Sonic-speedy but speedy none the less, you easily run past and miss the objective XD The graphics are a bit dull though. A lot of brown and yellow and not very detailed backgrounds, just a lot of  repetitive single coloured areas.

Championship Hockey – It’s hockey, and I hate sports.. This was also an unusual one though, so I bought it.. Hoping that my fiancée would enjoy it, but he hasn’t tried it yet.. :(

Buggy Run – A top-view racing game that kind of reminds me of micro machines. It was okay, but I’d much rather play RC Pro AM which is way more fluent ;D

That was all the Sega games I bought from likilato, he was kind enough to throw in a few extras! ^_^ I got 9 cassette games for Commodore 64. These were Vigilante, Star Paws, Slap Fight (which I bought for Mega Drive, haven’t had time to compare them yet though), Sky Runner, Silent Service, Hunchback II Quasimodo’s Revenge, Karnov, Bionic Commando and Vengeance. Star Paws looked completely awesome and is such a fun pun on Star Wars! XD It was not as fun playing as I had hoped though, you’re basically just a dog running around on a planet in space chasing birds.. I love the cover art for Karnov and Vengeance as well, they look badass! :D

Vigilante - Star Paws - Slap Fight for C64

Sky Runner - Silent Service - Hunchback II Quasimodos Revenge for C64

Karnov - Bionic Commando - Vengeance for C64

I also got 2 Amiga 500 games, Ivanhoe and Keef the Thief. Ghouls’n’Ghosts was for another system that I don’t have.. don’t remember which one right now, and Tangled Tales was for the C64 floppy disks, and I don’t have a disk reader for my Commodore 64.. yet ;D

Ghouls n Ghosts - Ivanhoe for Amiga

Tangled Tales C64 - Keef the Thief for Amiga

Big thanks to Likilato for this deal! I just bought another 60+ games from him for another system ;D

Filed under: Amiga, C64, Commodore, Retro Gaming, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive

Retro Gathering VCE – The Loot!


It has taken some time to sort, clean and photograph all of the 138 games I bought at Retro Gathering Vintage Computer Edition last weekend, but finally, here they are! :D I will go through them system by system ^_^

Retro Gathering VCE 2016 loot

Atari ST

The first thing I bought at the convention was an Atari 1040 ST, I already had one game for it back home, and it was in nice condition, and cheap, so I couldn’t refuse ^_^ I also picked up a few games for it. I have never played on an Atari ST before, so I’m looking forward to trying it out! :D If anyone has any suggestions of exclusive games for the system that are a must have, then please let me know :) So far I only have 5 games for it, the ones I found this weekend were Deathbringer, Gauntlet III, Future Dreams and Captive.

Atari 1040 ST and Tac 2 joystick Atari 1040 ST Atari 1040 ST with TAC 2 Atari ST Captive Atari ST Deathbringer Atari ST Future Dreams Atari ST Gauntlet III

Atari Lynx

To continue on the Atari trail, I also found a few additions to my Atari Lynx collection from Spel & Sånt :D Not particularly exciting titles, but they were in pretty nice condition :) I do however enjoy the game of Shanghai, and it’s gonna be interesting to see what the Slime World port on Lynx looks like! :D

Atari Lynx Slime World Atari Lynx Shanghai Atari Lynx Scrapyard Dog

Atari 2600

I’m always on the lookout for Atari 2600 games as well, but this year there were hardly any :/ I found one guy who had like 5 cartridges, crappy games in shitty condition, but he still wanted a lot for them! I bargained a bit and bought one, just to come home with at least one 2600 game >_> I got Super-Ferrari…

Atari 2600 Super-Ferrari

Commodore 64 – 5 1/4 Floppy disk games

Moving on to Commodore, I’ve had a 5 1/4 floppy disk game for the C64 for a while, and nothing to play it on :( But this weekend I found a new in box Ocean floppy disk drive for the C64! :D It was a bit pricey.. but I really needed one since I also bought even more floppy disk games this weekend ^__^ I got the classic text-based adventures of Zork 1-3, and at the very end of the day I got a good deal on a pretty cool adventure game called Infidel. The cool thing about it is the packaging and contents! Inside are handwritten letters and maps and stuff, it’s really well made ^_^ I have a friend that I think will really enjoy trying this game out ;D Apart from that I had bought a whole moving box full of old Amiga and Commodore games from my friend Likilato beforehand and I picked it up on this weekend since he was going to Retro Gathering too :) In this package were quite a lot of C64 floppy disk games as well ^_^ Some games that I’m quite happy with are T2 Terminator Judgement Day, Robocop, Space Harrier II and Weird Dreams, they all look pretty cool ^_^ Then there were also a few less fun games, I’m not quite sure what Operation Market Garden is, but it doesn’t sound fun, and the last three: Europe Ablaze, Russia The Great War in the East and Halls of Montezuma I’m pretty sure are some kind of edutainment games for learning history >_<

C64 5 1/4 Floppy Disk Drive C64 Floppy Zork I, Zork II, Zork III C64 Floppy Infidel C64 Floppy Infidel inside C64 Floppy Terminator 2 Judgement Day C64 Floppy Robocop C64 Floppy Weird Dreams C64 Floppy Space Harrier C64 Floppy Operation Market Garden C64 Floppy Europe Ablaze C64 Floppy Russia The Great War in the East, Halls of Montezuma

Commodore 64 – Cassette games

I found a few cassette games for the C64 as well. I got Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker from Japon, and Slap Fight for the ZX Spectrum. Pontus from Japon also tried to sell Last Ninja 2 to me, fortunately I didn’t buy it!! Because inside the big cardboard box of things I had bought from Likilato earlier contained not one but TWO copies of that exact game XD I had bought the package weeks before and didn’t remember everything that was in it.. but I’m just happy I’m not possessing three copies right now at least ;D The other C64 cassette games from Likilato were Last Ninja 3, Superman the Game, Ghostbusters II, Mr. Heli, Platoon, Speedball, Silent Service, Starglider and The Hunt for Red October.

C64 Michael Jackson Moonwalker, Slap Fight C64 Last Ninja 2 C64 Last Ninja 3 C64 Superman The Game C64 Ghostbusters II C64 Mr. Heli C64 Platoon C64 Speedball C64 Silent Service, Starglider C64 The Hunt for Red October

Commodore VIC 20

Going back in time a bit we have the Commodore VIC 20, I got one of these last year and I’m still trying to expand my library of games for the system. I found a few VIC 20 cassettes on Retro Gathering this time on Mikael Holm’s table (he always has the coolest stuff!) ^_^ I know there’s two copies of Panic for VIC 20, but I couldn’t choose which one to go for, since they are DIFFERENT! It’s weird, since they are released by the same company, but one has a black spine, and the cassettes inside are different colors as well! O_o These were all dirt cheap though so I just picked them all up :) Except the two games called Vicolumn and Blue Star, these two were new releases for the system and cost a bit more, but it’s always interesting to see what people develop now for these old systems! Doodle Bug, Space Scramble, Cosmiads and Aloha Blaster all sound cool!

VIC 20 Select 1, Panic x 2 VIC 20 Vicolumn, Blue Star, Doodle Bug VIC 20 Space Scramble, Cosmiads, Aloha Blaster

Sinclair ZX Spectrum, ZX81

Before moving on to consoles we have pickups from yet another old computer ^_^ I bought a few games for the ZX Spectrum, Pssst, Jet Pac and Cookie had such cool matching covers! Had to get them :) Then I also got Jet Pac with a different cover and 3D Starstrike, Split personalities, Pedro, Ghosts n’ Goblins and a program that came with the system called Horizons. I also found a Sinzlair ZX Interface 2 so I can play cartridge games on my 48k :D Now I just need to find some cartridge games >_> I also bought a ZX81 :D I’ve only known about this one for a little while, when I was looking for 3D Monster Maze and found out that it only came out on the ZX81. Now I have one! So now I just need to find 3D Monster Maze again >_< I missed out on the one eBay auction I’ve ever seen… >_<

ZX Spectrum Pssst, Jet Pac, Cookie ZX Spectrum 3D Starstrike, Jetpac, Split Personalities ZX Spectrum Pedro, Ghosts n Goblins, Horizons ZX81 computer Sinclair ZX Interface 2

Nintendo NES (+ Game & Watch and FDS)

I bought some NTSC NES games from Gaminggrannar and from some other sellers. I also got a Game & Watch Lifeboat from Söders Spel & Skivhandel and a random Famicom Disk System game with cats from Sven666 and another FDS game from my friend MXS :)

NES Rad Racer II NES Galaxy 5000 Racing in the 51st Century NES Destination Earthstar NES Deadly Towers NES Rollergames NES The Immortal Nintendo Game & Watch LifeBoat Famicom Disk System The Adventures of Chatran, Samurai Sword

Sega Mega Drive

From my friend Karl I got a good deal and bought the sought after Japanese Sega Mega Drive shmup V-V (V five), I also got to buy most of his other Japanese Mega Drive titles since he wanted to get rid of them, it was mostly RPGs or strategy games, but I got such a good price that I couldn’t pass them up ^_^ I also found some PAL Mega Drive titles from other sellers, mainly sports games XD which I don’t particularly enjoy, but they were cheap! And some day me and Becki will have to have another Golf tournament ;D

Sega Mega Drive V-V Sega Mega Drive Gauntlet Sega Mega Drive Ragnacenty Sega Mega Drive Langrisser II Sega Mega Drive Herzog Zwei Sega Mega Drive Master of Monsters Sega Mega Drive Populous Sega Mega Drive Sorcerer Kingdom Sega Mega Drive Bahamut Senki Sega Mega Drive VR Troopers Sega Mega Drive Super Skidmarks Sega Mega Drive Royal Rumble Sega Mega Drive Super Real Basketball Sega Mega Drive World Class Leader Board Sega Mega Drive Red Zone Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Soccer

Sega Master System

I also got a lot of Sega Master System games from various sellers. Mainly sports here as well, but I didn’t have them, and they were cheap ^_^

Sega Master System R.C. Grand Prix Sega Master System Ace of Aces Sega Master System Air Rescue Sega Master System Pit-Fighter Sega Master System World Class Leader Board Sega Master System Black Belt Sega Master System Enduro Racer Sega Master System Great Volleyball Sega Master System World Soccer Sega Master System Casino Games

Sega Saturn & Playstation 2

Japon also managed to convince to bring home these two huge boxed Sega Saturn Arcade Racer controllers XD One PAL and one Japanese.. they told me that the controller was region free, so I sure hope they will both work with one console ;D In that case I might have another game to use in the next Retro Rumble competition for the finals ;D I also got two PS2 games with Megaman at a fair price from Anders :) They’re sealed.. but I might open them so I can play them!! ^_^

Sega Saturn arcade racer PS2 Megaman X Command Mission, Megaman X8

Amiga 500 / 1200

Now onto the biggest category of the day… Amiga! The big lot of games I had bought from Likilato contained A LOT of Amiga games :) I was happy to find Banshee in there, since MXS had recently told me it was a good game, it’s for the 1200 though so I have to find a place to plug that system in as well.. They’re so big and space-consuming! Loom has a beautiful cover, and I’ve seen it before, not quite sure what kind of game it is though, but I will find out :) There were a lot of other games that looked cool like Harlequin, Codename Hellfire, Wonderland, Super Stardust, Galdregons Domain etc. It’s gonna be fun to try them all out :D I wonder what kind of game Leather Goddesses of Phobos will turn out to be XD

Banshee - Amiga Harlequin - Amiga Lemmings 2 The Tribes - Amiga Accolade Test Drive II - Amiga Codename Hellfire - Amiga Loom - Amiga Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Curse of the Azure Bonds - Amiga Alien Breed II The Horror Continues - Amiga Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Wishbringer - Amiga Zool - Amiga Galdregons Domain - Amiga Zool 2 - Amiga Battle Command - Amiga Black Crypt - Amiga Chuck Rock Son of Chuck - Amiga Crystal Dragon - Amiga Dungeon Master II - Amiga Flight of the Amazon Queen - Amiga Super Stardust - Amiga Wonderland Dream the Dream - Amiga Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon - Amiga King's Quest III To Heir is Human - Amiga The Keys to Maramon - Amiga Ishtar 1 - Amiga Ishtar 2 - Amiga Ishtar 3 - Amiga Syndicate - Amiga Rocket Ranger, Speedball - Amiga 'Nam 1965-1975 - Amiga Murder! - Amiga Star Flight - Amiga Nobby the Aardvark - Amiga Operation Stealth - Amiga Overdrive - Amiga Megatraveller 2 Quest for the Ancients - Amiga Police Quest 3 - Amiga The New Zealand Story, The Bard's Tale - Amiga The Hound of Shadow - Amiga Wizardry Bane of the Cosmic Forge - Amiga Swords of Twilight - Amiga

That was all the loot for this time, now I have some gaming to do ^____^

Filed under: Amiga, Atari, Atari 2600, Atari ST, C64, Commodore, Famicom Disk System, Game & Watch, Lynx, NES, Nintendo, Playstation 2, Retro Gaming, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Saturn, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sony Playstation, VIC-20

The Tetris Collection


I’ve amassed quite an extensive Tetris collection by now. I always buy a Tetris game if I don’t already have it, and man! There’s a lot of Tetris games out there! Tetris is such a fun game, you never get tired of it, and I think it’s so exciting to try different versions :) So here they are! You can click the pictures to view them larger if you for example want to see the screenshots on the back of the box ^_^ I right now have 96 different video game versions (including 3 arcade games) of Tetris and 5 board games :) These picture below are already outdated and missing around 30+ games from the collection XD

All my Tetris video games Tetris games closeup Playing Tetris with Tetris games Tetris games

Atari Tetris Arcade

My most proudest Tetris game is definitely my dedicated Atari Tetris Arcade from 1988. It’s so much fun to play against friends ^_^ And it has the unique gameplay where you have objectives instead of just endless mode with increasing difficulty. You can read more about this one in my blog post about the Atari Tetris Arcade >>

Atari Tetris Arcade Atari Tetris arcade Atari Tetris arcade gameplay Atari Tetris Arcade board Atari Tetris Arcade buttons Tetris arcade logo Atari Tetris logo Atari Tetris Arcade detail Atari games logo Runs on cash Tetris Arcade objectives Tetris Arcade objectives

Sega Tetris Arcade

My most recent Arcade pickup is the Sega Tetris PCB. This is not a Jamma standard, but fortunately I got an adaptor with it so I can play it on my Blast City cabinet :) It has these photorealistic pictures in the background, so awkward XD And when you die this disappointed monkey is disappointed in you… haha XD

Sega Tetris Arcade PCB closeup Sega Tetris Arcade PCB Sega Tetris PCB Sega Tetris Arcade played on Blast City Sega Tetris Arcade gameplay Disappointed Monkey

Tetris Plus 2 Arcade

I also recently got a PCB of Sega Tetris that I can use with my Blast City arcade ^_^

Arcade PCB Tetris Plus 2 Tetris Plus 2 PCB Tetris Plus 2 Arcade Tetris Plus 2 Arcade PCB Tetris Plus 2 Arcade gameplay

C64 Tetris

I have three different editions of the Tetris game on C64. The gameplay is the same, it looks like on the back of the big box one (it’s almost all in black and white), the screenshots on the back of the smaller one are taken from a different system. I also have the game on a floppy disk version instead of cassette :) This one is a bit more rare to find.

C64 - Tetris C64 - Tetris back C64 - Tetris big box C64 - Tetris big box back C64 floppy disk - Tetris C64 floppy disk - Tetris back

ZX Spectrum Tetris

I recently got the ZX Spectrum version of Tetris on cassette tape as well. The packaging looks exactly the same as the C64 version, but the graphics are quite different because of the hardware. I recently found a Spanish version of Tetris for ZX Spectrum. I’ve also bought a copy of Welltris for ZX Spectrum. Since the colors are so different on this system I can’t wait to see what it looks like compare to the Atari ST version :D

ZX Spectrum - Tetris ZX Spectrum - Tetris back ZX Spectrum - Tetris ZX Spectrum - Tetris ZX Spectrum - Welltris PS2 - Tetris Worlds

Tandy CPC Tetris

Someone on Instagram showed me that there was a version of Tetris for the Tandy CPC, I don’t even know what that is!?! But I found a complete version of Tetris for it on eBay XD So now I have a Tandy game, but nothing to play it on >_< I’m hoping I’ll eventually bump into one.. I think it’s some old type of computer..

Tandy CPC Tetris The Soviet Challenge Tandy CPC - Tetris Tandy CPC - Tetris manual Tandy CPC - Tetris Manual back Tandy CPC - Tetris cartridge

Amiga Tetris

I’ve begun finding Tetris games on Amiga as well ^_^ So far I have two versions of Tetris, one released by Spectrum HoloByte (I love the box art on this one :D) and one released by Infogrames, and I have Super Tetris also from Spectrum HoloByte. The Infogrames one I bought from an eBay seller in Australia, but I don’t think it’s an Australian copy, unless it was exported there since they are also a PAL region. Infogrames is French, and on the back of the game it has German, French and English language. I’ve never seen this box art before though.

Amiga - Tetris Amiga - Tetris back Amiga - Super Tetris Amiga - Super Tetris back Amiga - Tetris Amiga - Tetris back

Atari ST Tetris

I recently got myself an Atari ST 1040, an so far I only have like 5 or 6 games for it, one of them is of course a Tetris game ^_^ This one is called Welltris and it’s like playing Tetris in a well :D Read my review of this game here >>

Atari ST - Welltris Atari ST - Welltris back

X68000 Tetris

I haven’t got a Sharp X68000 computer/system yet, but I’ve so far gotten two games for the system, mainly for my two most collected game series: Tetris and Castlevania. It’s annoying not being able to play them, but hopefully I’ll find a Sharp X68000 one day…

X68000 - Tetris X68000 - Tetris

MSX Tetris

I actually have an MSX, I’m not sure wether it’s an MSX 1 or 2 though.. but I don’t have a disk drive or a tape deck for it.. so I can only play cartridge games on it so far.. unfortunately the red Tetris game is on floppy disk, the rare Korean one is however on cartridge :) It’s for the Korean version of MSX called Zemmix.

MSX - Tetris MSX - Tetris MSX Zemmix - Tetris MSX Zemmix - Tetris

CDI Tetris

I also have a Tetris version for Philips CDi. Just bought myself a CDI last week, so I’ll be able to try it out now ^_^

CDI - Tetris CDI - Tetris back

Famicom Tetris

Moving on to 8-bit Tetris we have a couple for the Famicom :D The BPS Tetris is by far my favorite, mainly because of the fucked up controls XD A fun challenge, and the Technotetris soundtrack is awesome! ^_^

Famicom - Tetris Famicom - Tetris back Famicom- Tetris 2 + Bombliss Famicom - Tetris 2 + Bombliss back Famicom - Tetris Flash Famicom - Tetris Flash back

NES Tetris

I also have the NES versions that I’m aware of. Here my favorite is by far Tengen’s Tetris, since they have this awesome co-op mode that is incredibly fun! You either work really well together with a friend, or it’s a train wreck, or you start fighting about the score and try to work against each other XD

NES - Tengen Tetris NES - Tengen Tetris back NES - Tetris NES - Tetris back NES - Tetris small box NES - Tetris small box back NES - Tetris 2 NES - Tetris 2 back

Game Boy Tetris

Then there’s the handhelds! Tetris for Game Boy was a classic ^_^ But even more versions were released! I’m still missing Tetris 2 >_< But I’ll get it eventually! A recent addition is Tetris Attack which I didn’t know existed on Game Boy as well, it’s not really Tetris in my opinion, but since it’s called Tetris I’ll let it slip…

GB - Tetris GB - Tetris back GB - Tetris Flash GB - Tetris Flash back GB - Tetris Plus GB - Tetris Plus back GB - Tetris Blast GB - Tetris Blast back GB - Tetris Attack GB - Tetris Attack

Game Boy Color Tetris

For Game Boy Color there was Tetris DX! This I accidentally bought for both PAL and JP region, usually I’m content with having the game from just one of the regions.. as long as I can play it and it’s the same game then I don’t really care for which region I have it :) I also have a version of Disney’s Magical Tetris Challenge for Game Boy Color, this game was released on many systems, like PS1 and N64 as well :)

GBC - Tetris DX GBC - Tetris DX back GBC - Tetris DX JP GBC - Tetris DX JP back GBC - Magical Tetris Challenge GBC - Magical Tetris Challenge back

Game Boy Advance Tetris

I also have one for Game Boy Advance :)

GBA - Tetris Worlds GBA - Tetris Worlds back

Pokémon Mini Tetris

Continuing on handhelds I also have Pokémon Tetris for the Pokémon Mini. Unfortunately I don’t have a Pokémon Mini console to play it on :(

Pokémon Mini - Pokémon Tetris Pokémon Mini - Pokémon Tetris back

Wonderswan Tetris

I found that there was a Tetris game released for Wonderswan Color as well, so of course I had to get it ^_^ It’s merely called “Tetris”

Wonderswan - TetrisWonderswan - Tetris Wonderswan - Tetris back

Tetris Jr.

I also have this tiny little Tetris Jr. handheld keychain ^_^

Tetris Jr game Tetris Jr keychain game Tetris Jr keychain handheld gameplay Tetris Jr Gameplay

The first one is distributed by Bergsala in Sweden, I also have a second one that is still sealed, published by Squaresoft.

Tetris Jr Pocket Key Chain Tetris sealed Tetris Jr Pocket Key Chain Tetris

Super Famicom Tetris

On Super Famicom loads of various Tetris versions were released, like for example Tetris Battle Gaiden which brings RPG elements into it. In Super Tetris 3 you can play up to 4 people versus each other, I usually bring this one forth during the finals of my Retro Rumble competitions ^_^

SFC - Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss SFC - Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss back SFC - Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss SFC - Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss back SFC - Super Tetris 3 SFC - Super Tetris 3 back SFC - Tetris Flash SFC - Tetris Flash back SFC - Tetris Battle Gaiden SFC - Tetris Battle Gaiden back

SNES Tetris

On Super Nintendo we didn’t get as many Tetris versions. I don’t really want to add Tetris Attack to this collection, but I will, just because people always mention it when talking about Tetris on the SNES. I don’t think it’s a Tetris game though, in that case I would have to add every other puzzle game I have into this category. Tetris Attack is just Panel de Pon where they added Super Mario characters and called it Tetris because it’s a puzzle game, but it’s nothing like Tetris.

SNES - Tetris & Dr. Mario SNES - Tetris & Dr. Mario back SNES - Tetris 2 SNES - Tetris 2 back SNES - Tetris Attack SNES - Tetris Attack back

Sega Mega Drive Tetris

Nintendo was the company that acquired the license for Tetris back in the 80’s, therefore Sega was not allowed to release Tetris games, they created their Columns instead, which wasn’t as popular. They did however make a Tetris game for Sega Mega Drive, but they got sued and it got pulled out of production immediately. However a couple of copies made it out. There’s less than a handful known copies which sell for ridiculous amounts of money when they go up for sale. I do however have a bootleg/repro of this Sega Mega Drive Tetris game, just so I could play it and see what it was like for myself :) It’s a Chinese copy so it’s not very pretty, and doesn’t look like the original, but the game plays well ^_^

Sega Mega Drive - Tetris Sega Mega Drive - Tetris back

Sega Mark III / Gam-Boy Tetris

Another rare Tetris game that I just got, and which marks my 100th Tetris game (counting the board games ^_^) is the Korean Tetris game on Sega Master System (Sega Mark III), or Gam-Boy which it was called over in Korea :)

Gam-Boy / Sega Master System - Tetris Gam-Boy / Sega Master System - Tetris back

Nintendo 64 Tetris

Moving on to N64, there were a couple there as well.

N64 - Magical Tetris N64 - Magical Tetris back N64 - Tetris 64 N64 - Tetris 64 back N64 - Tetrisphere N64 - Tetrisphere back N64 - The New Tetris N64 - The New Tetris back

Virtual Boy Tetris

Nintendo’s Virtual Boy didn’t get a lot of games (like maybe 15 in total), but two of them were Tetris! In North America they got 3D Tetris and in Japan they got V Tetris. The two are completely different games ^_^

VB - 3D Tetris VB - 3D Tetris back VB - V Tetris VB - V Tetris back

Sega Saturn Tetris

Sega Saturn was popular in Japan, and so was Tetris. I guess Nintendo lost the exclusive license for Tetris by then O_o  I have a few Tetris games for Sega Saturn, not sure if I’m missing any..

Sega Saturn - Tetris Plus PAL Sega Saturn - Tetris Plus PAL back Sega Saturn - Tetris Plus JP SS - Tetris Plus JP back Sega Saturn - Tetris S Sega Saturn - Tetris S back

Dreamcast Tetris

For Dreamcast there were quite a lot of Tetris games as well. I don’t know if I’ve found them all yet, but I have 3 different ones so far :)

Dreamcast - Sega Tetris Dreamcast - Sega Tetris back Dreamcast - Tetris 4D Dreamcast - Tetris 4D back Dreamcast - The Next Tetris Dreamcast - The Next Tetris back

Playstation Tetris

Some of the ones released for Dreamcast also came for Playstation. I have The Next Tetris on PS as well, but also a Deluxe version :D Then there’s Tetris X, both in normal and “Playstation best” edition and I also recently found out from a Facebook friend about this Japanese Tetris game called Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura Eternal Heart XD Quite different :) I have just picked up a lot of 3 Japanese Playstation Tetris games I didn’t have, even though I had a few of them for different systems I still felt like I needed them ^_^ These were The Tetris, Tetris Plus and Magical Tetris Challenge. All three were in excellent condition and even had the spine cards ^_^

PS - The Next Tetris PS - The Next Tetris back PS - The Next Tetris PAL PS - The Next Tetris PAL back PS - The Next Tetris DLX PS - The Next Tetris DLX back Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura Eternal Heart Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura Eternal Heart back PS - Tetris X PS - Tetris X back PS - Tetris X Playstation Best PS - Tetris X Playstation Best back PS - The TetrisPS - The Tetris PS - The Tetris back PS - Tetris Plus PS - Tetris Plus back PS - Magical Tetris Challenge PS - Magical Tetris Challenge back

Playstation 2 Tetris

I’ve finally gotten a few Tetris games for the PS2 as well ^_^ These are Tetris Worlds, which has also been released for various other systems, Sega Ages 2500 Tetris Collection and Super Lite 2000 Tetris Kiwamemichi :) The last two are Japanese.

PS2 - Tetris Worlds PS2 - Tetris Worlds back PS2 - Sega Ages 2500 Tetris Collection PS2 - Sega Ages 2500 Tetris Collection back PS2 - Super Lite 2000 Tetris Kiwamemichi PS2 - Super Lite 2000 Tetris Kiwamemichi

PS Vita Tetris

I’ve finally gotten around to getting the Tetris game for PS Vita as well. It’s Tetris Ultimate, basically the same as on the 3DS and on Xbox One (where I have it digitally).

PSV - Tetris Ultimate PSV - Tetris Ultimate back

Wii Tetris

The Wii got a Tetris game called Tetris Party Deluxe. In this one they also have a co-op mode (just like in Tengen Tetris for NES)! So much fun! Two pieces on the board simultaneously ^_^

Wii - Tetris Party Deluxe Wii - Tetris Party Deluxe back

Nintendo DS & 3DS Tetris

Then there’s Tetris on DS. I’ve now found most of the Tetris games on DS and 3DS. Do you know of any other ones I’m missing on these systems?

DS - Tetris DS DS - Tetris DS back DS - Tetris DS DS - Tetris DS back DS - Tetris Party Deluxe DS - Tetris Party Deluxe back 3DS - Tetris 3DS - Tetris back 3DS - Tetris Ultimate 3DS - Tetris Ultimate back

Xbox & Xbox 360 Tetris

Tetris Worlds and Tetris Evolution got released on multiple platforms, I choose to get them on Xbox and Xbox 360 since that’s what I’ve mainly been playing on when it comes to the newer generation consoles. I recently found out about the Arcade Tetris game called Grand Master Tetris, never tried it, but I did find that it was also released for Xbox 360 in Japan, so I got it ^_^ Unfortunately the game is region locked and I don’t have a Japanese Xbox 360 to play it on :( yet… Meanwhile I’m also on the look out for the Arcade version!!!

Xbox - Tetris Worlds Xbox - Tetris Worlds back Xbox 360 - Tetris Evolution Xbox 360 - Tetris Evolution back Xbox 360 - Tetris Grand Master ACE Xbox 360 - Tetris Grand Master ACE back

Xbox One Tetris

The latest release of Tetris I imported from Japan for the Xbox One. It’s Puyo Puyo Tetris! You can choose to play either pure Puyo Puyo or pure Tetris, or you can play Puyo Puyo Tetris where they have merged the two! :D It’s awesome ^_^

XBONE - Puyo Puyo Tetris XBONE - Puyo Puyo Tetris back

PC Tetris

I’m not really a PC player, I’ve always preferred a controller to mouse and keyboard. But when I stumble upon really cheap PC games with TETRIS on them I just can’t resist XD I’m gonna have to get myself an old computer with Windows ’98 so I can play them hahaha! XD Especially since I found Tetris CD III!! Look at all the different versions of Tetris that it contains!! Some of the names on the back are: 1993TRIS, FINTRIS, HEXRIS, BALLTRIS, PRYCHTRIS, TEAMTRIS, INFINITRIS and many many more! I really wish I could try these out RIGHT NOW!!!!

PC - Tetris PC - Tetris back PC - Tetris III PC - Tetris CD III back PC - Tetris Gold PC - Tetris Gold PC - Tetris Elements PC - Tetris Elements

Tetris Consoles & Handhelds

I’ve bought a couple of Tetris clone systems from China XD I just had to try them out. They supposedly had 9999 versions of Tetris in one! Hahaha! Basically what they count as various versions is if you start the game on various speed levels from 0 – 9, and then multiply that by a couple of different version and multiply it by the various amount of lines at the bottom that you can start with, then I don’t know.. maybe you reach 9999. The first time I tried it out though I managed to find a version where you were playing Tetris upside down, the block was falling from below instead of above, and as soon as you put it down the blocks at the top moved a step to the right and came out on the other side. This made it quite difficult to plan ahead XD An interesting version indeed ^_^ These were really cheap so I bought several in the hope of getting them in a couple of different colors, they ended up also being in a few different editions. Two were a bit smaller, and there’s other differences as well, like some have a super mouse logo and some have a smiley face making peace signs XD There’s even two different versions of the box. They feel extremely cheap but it’s still interesting to try out the various types of Tetris that you don’t really see anywhere else. The controls are surprisingly responsive and good :)

Brick Game 9999 in 1 all colours Brick Game 9999 in 1 blue mini super mouse Brick Game 9999 in 1 colours Brick Game 9999 in 1 dark green Brick Game 9999 in 1 light green Super Mouse Brick Game 9999 in 1 Red super mouse Brick Game 9999 in 1 with boxes Brick Game 9999 in 1 Brick Game - 9999 in 1 Tetris Brick Game - 9999 in 1 Tetris back Brick Game - 9999 in 1 Tetris 2 Brick Game - 9999 in 1 Tetris back

I also got a Tetris clone handheld called the POP Station value pack. It’s so cheap and barely weighs anything XD It’s supposed to look like a PSP I guess, but it only contains that same program which the Brick Game with 9999 versions of Tetris in 1 has XD I would even say that the controls and buttons feel better on the Brick Games..

POP Station Tetris Clone handheld POP Station Tetris Clone POP Station - 9999 in 1 Tetris POP Station - 9999 in 1 Tetris back

Tetris Game Watch by Nintendo

The best birthday gift I’ve ever gotten was this Tetris Game Watch! Still sealed in new condition :D I’m using it every day ^_^ It tells the time AND you can play Tetris on it! :D

Nintendo Game Watch - Tetris Nintendo Game Watch - Tetris back Tetris Game Watch from Russia with fun Tetris Game Watch Tetris Game & Watch Nintendo Tetris Game Watch Nintendo Tetris Game Watch Nintendo Tetris Game Watch

Plug & Play Tetris

I found this plug & play Tetris game called Arcade Legends Tetris. It has 5 Tetris games in one, one is called Garbage Tetris XD It’s basically just Tetris but starting off with a few blocks in the bottom.. The controls look really nice with a Tetris theme, but they are AWFUL! You steer left, right and down with the red square in the middle, but you ALSO turn the pieces with the same button by turning it clockwise or counter clockwise! Which means you almost ALWAYS turn a piece right before you put it down, unintentionally >_< Not a recommended purchase…

Arcade Legends Tetris 5 Tetris Games in One

Tetris Board Games

And here’s my board games. It’s Tetris by Tomy, Jenga Tetris and a Nintendo licensed Milton Bradley Tetris! :D

Nintendo MB Tetris board game Jenga Tetris Board game Tomy Tetris board game Tetris Link Board game

Here’s a shitty Tetris soundtrack that I found from eBay Japan XD All the songs were kind of 90s-techno-remixed.. one was decent, the rest were quite sucky >_<

Tetris Soundtrack Tetris Soundtrack

Now if you know about any Tetris video game that I don’t have yet then feel free to give me some advice on what to look for next ^_^ Meanwhile, try out some Not Tetris 2, I blogged about it some years ago and it’s still hilarious ;D

Filed under: Arcade, C64, Commodore, DS, Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, N64, NES, Nintendo, Playstation, Playstation 2, PS1, Sega, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Saturn, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, SNES / SFC, Sony Playstation, Super Famicom, Super Nintendo, Virtual Boy, Wii, Wonderswan, Xbox 360

Korean Tetris games add upp to 100 different Tetris games! :D


I’ve reached 100 various Tetris games! :D I think I will celebrate with playing some more Tetris tonight!! ^__^

My two latest additions are not that common. One is Tetris on MSX from Korea, or Zemmix as they called the MSX there. Apparently Korean government banned Japanese companies from selling products in Korea, so they made their own knock-offs. The Zemmix / MSX Tetris game is not the greatest Tetris I’ve played. It’s odd. It only gives you 1 point per row cleared, no bonus for making a Tetris (4 rows at once), and the sound effects and music is scarce and dull. Also the controls are quite jumpy, I don’t know if it’s my joypads that are glitchy, but I tried 3 different ones and it was equally difficult to steer the tetraminos..

Tetris for Korean Zemmix MSX Zemmix - Tetris MSX Zemmix - Tetris

Anyway, here’s some gameplay of it,  I sat for hours last night trying to record gameplay through my Elgato but I just couldn’t get the signal unscrambled, it has some serious anti-pirating code built in or something XD So I ended up just shooting it with my phone.. sorry for shitty quality, but at least you can see what it’s like ^_^ I couldn’t find a video of it anywhere else..

The latest addition is another Korean game, but for the Gam-Boy, which is Korea’s equivalent to the Sega Master System or the Sega Mark III. The Gam-Boy was produced by Samsung in Korea. It reads 테트리스 which means Tetris ^_^

Tetris on Korean Gam-Bit Gam-Boy / Sega Master System - Tetris Gam-Boy / Sega Master System - Tetris back

This was better than the MSX/Zemmix version of Tetris, it had a lot of different settings. One cool feature that I’ve only seen a few times before in Chinese Tetris games is the scrolling. If you set it to scroll the blocks at the bottom will shift one block to the left or right (it changes each level you increase) and makes it more difficult to plan how you want to build! It’s interesting :) But you can of course play without the scrolling feature as well. In the beginning there’s also the choice of Easy or Hard mode, hard makes the floor rise with random blocks once in a while, and you can also set speed to Low or High, once you get to the next screen though you have even more selections where you can set level and height, the height starts you off with blocks already on the board. You can basically make it really difficult for yourself by setting highest speed, highest level, tallest height and add some scroll to it XD Basically impossible! I enjoyed it, except for the music that was kind of shitty and the controls being a bit jumpy. There was like a delay every time a new tetramino appeared in the top.

I recorded some gameplay of this one too so you can see what it’s like ^_^ Here’s Korean Tetris for the Gam-Boy / Sega Master System / Sega Mark III:

Some other recent Tetris purchases that has helped adding my collection up to 100 Tetris games are these ones below ^_^ Two quite rare ones for the Japanese MSX and the Sharp X68000. I still need to find myself an X68000, so I can play it! That one and the PC ones are the only ones I can’t play right now. I also need to find an old PC with Windows 98 XD… Tetris Elements and Tetris Gold are both PC games. Then there’s a ZX Spectrum Tetris game, Tetris Attack for Game Boy (which isn’t quite Tetris in my opinion, but since it’s called Tetris I’ll count it..) and a Japanese PS2 Tetris Kiwamemichi game ^_^

MSX - Tetris X68000 - Tetris PC - Tetris Elements PC - Tetris Gold ZX Spectrum - Tetris GB - Tetris Attack PS2 - Super Lite 2000 Tetris Kiwamemichi

See the entire collection of 100 different Tetris games >>

Here’s some gameplay of Tetris Ultimate that I usually play when I’m on my Xbone. Just to show that I don’t suck completely at Tetris XD

Filed under: Game Boy, MSX, Nintendo, Playstation 2, Sega, Sega Master System, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sony Playstation

l00t from Retrospelsfestivalen 2017!


Even though I just spent a few hours at the retro game convention Retrospelsfestivalen this year, I still managed to pick up a couple of games for various systems ^_^

First of all, I’m super happy to have such good friends in the retro community that thinks of me when they find an unusual edition of Tetris :D Thanks Andreas for finding it for me ^_^ Retro Bit Bros had this Swedish Yapon rental edition of Tetris for the NES for sale and they put it aside for me :) It’s a beauty! A great addition to my Tetris collection ^_^

Tetris - NES Yapon rental case Tetris - NES Yapon rental case back

At their table I also found two Sachen games that I’ve never encountered in the wild before. I had to get Little Red Hood and try it for myself. I’ve only seen a brief video of it from AVGN back in the day. It was even worse than I had expected XD Horrible game mechanics and I couldn’t even get past the first stage. I collected cash enough to buy all the things in the store but none of them did anything useful or permanent, and I found a key in one instance but I didn’t find anything to open with it.. so eventually I just gave up!

Little Red Hood - NES Sachen Little Red Hood NES Little Red Hood

Lucky Bingo was supposed to have some half-naked ladies in it I was told, but I couldn’t find any.. :(  instead it was the most boring gameplay I’ve ever encountered! It’s basically just a digital slot machine, put in money, pull the lever, and push again to stop. Completely boring >_< Unfortunately I couldn’t get it running on my Retron 5 so I couldn’t record any gameplay..

NES Sachen games Lucky Bingo - NES Sachen

Retro Bit Bros also had a few Atari 2600 games, and I had to get these two! Such amazing artwork on the covers :D Frostbite wasn’t very exciting, you just jumped back and forth over what I think was supposed to be ice-blocks in a river. Plaque Attack however was way better! You’re a toothpaste tube inside a mouth shooting at food and candy that try to attack the teeth! A fun shooter where you fight off hamburgers, french fries, hot dogs, ice cream and lots of other tooth-enemies XD

Frostbite - Atari 2600 Plaque Attack - Atari 2600

I picked up a newly made Game Boy game by a small Swedish developer crew called Team Lamp Oil. It’s a puzzle game with falling blocks containing rope and bombs which you have to get to match so that you can clear the board when the fire block appears :) It was fun!

Rope & Bombs - Game Boy Rope & Bombs - Game Boy Rope & Bombs - Game Boy

At the convention I found two Super Famicom games that looked like fun. I thought that Super Chinese World was a platformer because it looked like it on the back, but it had a lot of RPG-elements that I really despise >_< The actual battles though were platforming action, but it was soooo slooooow and the hit detection was really awful, so I do not recommend this title..

Super Chinese World - Super Famicom Super Chinese World Super Famicom Super Chinese World

The other Super Famicom game was Astro Go! Go! This was a racing game, kind of like F-Zero.  I tried out two different characters and different tracks, but it was a bit difficult, and it probably would have been a lot more fun if it had a 2-player VS mode. Otherwise the graphics were nice, and the controls were sharp :)

Astro Go! Go! - Super Famicom Astro Go! Go! Astro Go! Go! - Super Famicom Astro Go! Go! - Super Famicom Astro Go! Go! - Super Famicom

I found a Sega Mega Drive game as well which has a really badass cover! Bloodshot is a first-person shooter kind of like Wolfenstein 3D but more futuristic. Compared to Wolfenstein on Super Famicom it’s a bit more difficult to steer since you don’t have the L and R buttons to sidestep on the Sega controller. But it works, and it’s ok in single player. It has a 2-player VS mode though that I’m eager to try out with a friend :)

Bloodshot - Sega Mega Drive Bloodshot Sega Mega Drive Bloodshot Sega Mega Drive

I got a boxing game called Heavyweight Champ for the Sega Master System. It was cheap and it was lame XD I’m probably gonna use it for the finals sometime on Retro Rumble though! It’s probably more fun in 2-player mode than versus the AI…

Heavyweight Champ - Sega Master System Heavyweight Champ - Sega Master System Heavyweight Champ - Sega Master System

Darius Plus for PC Engine was another purchase, I love the PC Engine and shmups ^_^ This wasn’t the best one in the series though.. but it was decent :) The thing I didn’t like was the power up system and that it was a bit slow for my taste.

Last but not least was Kokotoni Wilf, such a weird name! And an obscure cover.. I tried to get it running on my C64, but it didn’t want to finish loading.. I will give it another try some day, sometimes the old computer just doesn’t wanna play with you XD

Darius Plus - PC Engine Kokotoni Wilf - C64
Filed under: Atari, Atari 2600, C64, Commodore, Game Boy, NES, Nintendo, PC Engine, Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, SNES / SFC, Super Famicom