Channel: Sega Master System – Retro Video Gaming
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Sweet Sega Stuff from the Segadude!!


Last week I received an amazingly kind gift from the Segadude! He sent me a few of his doubles that I didn’t previously have for the Sega Master System! They were all so pretty!! ^_^
segadude gift sega master system games

The games were Missile Defense 3-D, Teddy Boy, Blade Eagle 3-D, Quartet, Golvellius,
Zaxxon 3-D and Wanted!
sega master system games gift

I was also thrilled to find that they all worked on my PAL Master System even though they came all the way from Canada ^_^ I’m not sure if this means that Canada has PAL region too or if the Master System just doesn’t have a region lock for NTSC… still I’m thrilled!! :D
Here’s some screenshots I took with my iPhone while trying them all out ^_^
Blade Eagle Sega Master System
Zaxxon 3-D Sega Master System
Missile Defense 3-D Sega Master System
Missile Defense 3-D
Missile Defense 3D

Both Blade Eagle, Zaxxon and Missile Defense were 3-D games, before I had none now I have three! :D Now I just need to get myself a pair of Sega 3-D glasses so I can see what’s actually going on!! ;D

Golvellius Sega Master System
Golvellius boots!
Yay boots!!! ^___^ Thanks!
golvellius snake

Golvellius seemed like a fun game ^_^ I will give it a longer try ones I have a bit more time :)

Quartet Sega Master System
Tedddy  Boy Sega Master System

Both Quartet and Teddy Boy were fun platformers ^_^

Wanted Sega Master System

And last but not least Wanted, this game would probably have been much easier if I had plugged in the Lightphaser… heh ^_^

A big thanks to the SegaDude for these great games! If you haven’t checked out his site you totally should!! ^_^ What are you waiting for?? GO CHECK IT OUT >>>

Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System

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