Once again I’ve made a trade with Eric The SegaDude and this time we shipped A LOT of games across the atlantic ^___^
I found some games here in Sweden that Eric had laid eyes on, so I grabbed them for him to trade with some doubles he had that I didn’t have in my collection :) This is what I got:
Rampage is a classic game, I had it for a few other systems, but not for Sega Master System ^_^ The cover artwork is really cool and the box was in great condition, unfortunately lacking a manual, but I don’t really care about that :) This game is fun and you can play two players just wrecking buildings together :D
Dead Angle was complete and in great condition ^_^ This game makes use of the Sega Master System’s lightphaser. I have a lot of games for the Master System now that requires the lightphaser, I get the feeling that Sega was better at making use of their accessory than Nintendo, however Duck Hunt was a total hit ;D
I already had The Ninja, but mine was in really awful condition, the box was basically falling apart :/ So this was a nice upgrade :D The Ninja is just that, you play as a Ninja throwing ninja stars at enemies trying not to get killed by other ninjas ;D
Speedball is a kind of sports game, much like soccer, but futuristic. It kind of sucks ;D haha! The controls are unresponsive and I couldn’t quite figure out how to pass or how to shoot or tackle.. >-< I don’t like sports in general though, but still it’s complete and in great condition so a nice addition to the collection ^__^
I enjoy Space Harrier, and I have it for several different systems. I didn’t have it for the Sega Master System though so I couldn’t pass this one up ^_^ Even though it’s lacking the manual, it’s in excellent condition :)
I’m not really into RPG’s, but since I didn’t have it it can still join my collection, I bet I have a friend or two who would enjoy it ;D Noticeable is that the music is not nearly as good as it is on the japanese version that I recently got for Eric :) And it’s still completely different than the Famicom version :) It was also complete and even had a huge map! (not pictured..) ^__^
I had Dynamite Dux before, but that one was completely littered with a German child’s drawings and stickers.. >_< so I’m happy to have a clean version of the cover ;D Unfortunately it was without manual so I had to complete it with the other manual filled with doodles ;D lol
This is also not really my type of game, not enough action and too much reading ;D But I’m happy to have it in my collection ^^
Cloud Master was a bunch of fun! ^_^ It was also complete and in great condition :D It’s a cute shooter with a boy on a cloud :D I have the Famicom version as well, it’s called Chuuka taisen :)
Apart from all these Sega Master System games I also got a few japanese Sega Mega Drive games :D
Maou Renjishi (or Mystical Ninja) is a really cool beat ‘em up in japanese style! I hadn’t tried it before and I was stuck playing through the first 4 bosses until I died ^_^ I enjoyed it a lot :D
I also didn’t have Ghostbusters for the Mega Drive before, this is a really cute platformer, but i got stuck on the first stage. I couldn’t get past a room with a ghost head that shot fireballs at me >_<
I also got this one :D Garou Densetsu is a fighting game, I don’t know much about fighting games since I don’t play them that often, but it looks decent ^_^
Eric also threw in a loose NTSC Sega Genesis cart of Sonic Spinball so that I could try whether I would be able to play NTSC games on any of my systems!
Unfortunately…. This is what it said when I started it up on my PAL Sega Mega Drive.. and when I started it in my japanese Sega Mega Drive the system just wouldn’t power on :( But at least we know for sure now!
A pleasure as always doing trades with The SegaDude! :D Thank you Eric! ^_^ And let me know if you want the Sonic Spinball cartridge back ^^
(make sure to check out his awesome Sega Collection!!)
Filed under: Sega, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive